September 3rd, 2008, 7:00 am · 35 Comments · posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
In a raging debate on this site about how much the top-paid National Boy Scout exec earned (nearly $900,000), the conversation somewhat inexplicably turned to how much the heads of local non-profit hospitals make.
OK. The Watchdog will bite.
In fact, eight of Orange County’s 10 largest nonprofits (ranked by how much money they bring in) are hospitals, according to the Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research at CSU Fullerton.
And two of the executives at said hospitals — Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian and Children’s Hospital Orange County — earn more than $1 million each. Which, we duly note, has caused a few jaws to drop, and exceeds the compensation paid to the Uber Boy Scout.
But the other six hospital executives earned less than the Uber Boy Scout.
It could be argued, of course, that the duties of the Boy Scout execs (building character, running a volunteer organization, etc.) are but a shadow of what a hospital executive deals with (life, death, blood, guts, malpractice insurance, billing, etc.). But we’ll just put forward the facts and let you argue about what it all means.
Here, from the most recent tax returns filed by the nonprofit hospitals with the IRS, are names and numbers:
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