The state of California has an Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD).
OSHPD has a website which you can access to see their reported information.
CHOC v. All CA Facilities
Number of Total discharges (from the Emergency Department and from being hospitalized) was 10,247 patients.
Number of Total discharges (from the Emergency Department and from being hospitalized) was 10,247 patients.
Inpatient Discharges from the inpatient services at CHOC are 6,449 patients.
(Average of 17.7 per day)
(Average of 17.7 per day)
Now, look at the chart of ER discharges for CHOC. Notice that ER discharges decreased from a peak in 2004. This means that fewer patients are being discharged.

Now, take a look at the total number of inpatient discharges from CHOC in the same time period. It increases. Why? Probably there is a higher likelihood of admission to CHOC if the patient is seen in the Emergency room.

Average Length of Stay is 6.5 Day(s) in CHOC versus 5.3 days average stay for California
Average Charge is $77,081 at CHOC vs. $34,392 average for California (OVER DOUBLE THE STATE AVERAGE CHARGE PER HOSPITALIZATION)
Average Charge per Day is $11,925 at CHOC vs. $6,486 average for California
Median Charge per admission is $51,194 at CHOC vs. $45,769 for California
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